Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Saturday May 09, 2015 - Pittsburgh, PA

 with Myles Mahoney and Jeremy Porter at Bloomfield Bridge Tavern. Patty & the coolest girl at the bar last night! — at Bloomfield Bridge Tavern. BlitheHound — with Arcy Betts.

Tour Blog - Show 3 - Pittsburgh
May 8, 2015

The drive to Pittsburgh was uneventful, through central and eastern Oho, a short cut through West Virginia, and southeastern Pennsylvania. We arrived at our Air B&B and were both a little enamored and a little aghast at the 1800s brothel meets 1920s Polish Catholic motif it held. It was an easy 90 degrees in there and I wisely chose the upstairs room that would prove to be the hottest, loudest and brightest room in the house. We couldn't escape the heat fast enough so we went to the Church Brew Works for dinner and beers before the show. It's a massive stone church converted into a restaurant. Super cool place with decent eats and King Crimson ale for Patty, the resident prog-rock-snob/craft-been connoisseur.

The Bloomfield Bridge Tavern was a good few degrees hotter than our accommodations, but we were greeted with cold beers and great conversation from the bartender who asked lots of questions about Hamtramck (Detroit's Polish neighborhood) and the resurgence of our city. We traded friendly jabs about the Penguins - Red Wings rivalry and loaded in. We were the old guys last night. Openers John and the Boys were a rockin 5-piece with some smart tunes and cool dual guitars. We hit afterwards, playing to a good room and a great response. After us was BlitheHound, a Pittsburgh band who had the whole room rocking and dancing until the 1pm curfew. Great dudes in both bands, super friendly and easy going and making it a fun night. My pal Myles from Daily Grind, a Pittsburgh band we played with last time through, showed up and we talked some gear, touring and recording. It was great to get caught up! Some beers-to-go and it was back to the steamy B&B for some nightcaps and crashing.

So we're home now, washing our gig clothes, listening to the albums we bought, and calling/visiting our moms for Mother's day (HMD to my mom Francie & sister Kristen!). Big thanks to the bands and clubs that made this such s a good run of shows! We're gonna enjoy a couple days at home before we're off to Chicago, Iowa City, Dubuque and back to Ferndale next weekend!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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