Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Wednesday November 13, 2013 - Philadelphia, PA

TourBlog – Day 6: Philadelphia. Yesterday we were able to enjoy a few hours of downtime at the HoJo across the Delaware River from the Philadelphia skyline. Jay got caught up on some daytime TV, Gabriel got caught up on some reading, and I re-strung my guitar and re-learned the bridge to Little Miss Awesome so I wouldn’t blow it anymore. A couple record and guitar shops and dinner & pints at a brewery before load-in at the Grape Room and we were off to the races. The Grape Room is a little club in the Manayunk area Just outside Philly. My local pal from tours past James Hearne opened the show with a great solo set (middle pic below) and local rock/pop/countryish Old Arrows played after us – a great set of high-energy tunes! I was giddy to see my great friends Julie & Gary Tate last night (though my liver is cursing Gary this morning for the extra rounds of Bulleit) and sad to say goodbye.

As we were loading out, the kind folks at the Grape Room sent us up the street to the Dawson Street Pub to crash their open-mic night which turned out to be a lot of fun. Some talented folks here too (like the Italian cat in the right photo who’s name I have regrettably forgotten). Gabe had to help me with my tuner and jay had to talk me out of a couple of the more technical songs I was lobbying for (and clearly not fit to play), but somehow we tore it up for a few minutes before leaving PA for the Jersey HoJo and WaWa and a few hours of sleep. A handful of Ibuprofens and Zantacs in and we’re off to Alphabet City for some sightseeing before we cross the East River for tonight’s show in Brooklyn. If you’re in or near NYC let’s see ya tonight!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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