Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Thursday September 19, 2024 - Akron, OH

Brian Lisik soundchecking from the balcony at The Rialto Theatre The Rialto Theatre from the stage at soundcheck Brian Lisik Music & Jeremy Porter - night 1 of 3 - Pic: Robb Brian Lisik Music at The Rialto Theatre

Road Blog
September 19, 2024
Akron, Ohio

The Dynamite Alley solo tour headed into Ohio this weekend as my new album is released today, available on all streaming services and for download and order on Bandcamp and in my web store. It’s been a long ride between the first sessions in March 2023 and today, but here we are, supporting the new release with some road shows and hearing what people think as the pre-orders are received and the music hits peoples’ stereos. Thanks to everyone who’s ordered a copy and everyone who helped make it happen!

In traditional and ancient Tucos’ folklore, seeing a bald eagle while on our adventures is a sign of impending good luck. It doesn’t happen often, but when it has, good things have followed. Yesterday I was about 45 minutes east of Toledo when I looked up and saw that distinctive white head and tail on a massive raptor overhead, and I gave him the ol’ Jeremiah Johnson head-nod while I passed underneath.

My first stop in Akron was at Square Records. It’s a cool little store in a neat neighborhood and up the street from a joint we played once called Annabell’s. I picked up a Blood On The Saddle LP and left a copy of Dynamite Alley on vinyl, so anyone in town can stop in and buy it! I stopped off at Missing Falls Brewery for a smashed burger and a pint and to get caught up on whatever business I’d missed over the last four hours. Food was amazing, beer was cold and good, and it’s a cool place. Probably the best meal I’ve had in Akron.

I parked next to The Rialto Theatre, where the show was, and walked over to a nearby guitar shop called The Guitar Department. They had some nice vintage amps including a really old Supro that caught my eye, and some cool guitars too, but nothing I can’t live without, so I left empty handed and walked back to the venue.

There’s a small bar in the lobby where my friend Stacey and her friend Tony were hanging out, and my long-time Ohio pal Scott was there too. I had time for a couple quick hellos, met my touring partner for the next 3 nights Brian Lisik, and headed into the theater for soundcheck.

The Rialto is a small former movie theater with a great stage and comfortable listening room, balcony, and recording studio in the loft. The acoustics are fantastic and they’ve got the sound dialed in nicely. As show time approached, a small but respectable group of people filtered in for the show. I went on at 8pm and played about 45 minutes, told a couple bad jokes, and got off the stage. Brian went on after and played a great set before wrapping up around 10pm.

My pal, and a significant contributor to Dynamite Alley – Doug McKean – came down from Cleveland, and it was great getting caught up and having a couple laughs with him too. After the show I sold a little merch, wrapped up some conversations, said some goodbyes, and headed southwest toward Columbus.

I decided to stay in Columbus last night because it was an early show and I could cut some time from the Friday drive to Dayton, but mostly to see some friends, do some record shopping, and get some breakfast at my fav breakfast joint the Starliner Diner. The drive was just short of two hours, which isn’t bad, but not super fun after a show like that. It was fairly uneventful, with state cops sitting in the median every few miles keeping my speed in check. I hit the motel pretty wiped out at 12:30, checked in, had a nightcap, watched some shitty late-night TV, and crashed out. This ain’t the Ritz, and the window in my room doesn’t close all the way and I’m overlooking Interstate 270, so it was a long, loud night.

This morning I’m taking care of some business, watching some shitty morning TV, and getting ready to embark on a long day of record shopping before, during, and after heading to Dayton for tonight’s show at the South Park Tavern, with Brian again, and also Nick Kizirnis and Kyleen Downes. Thanks to everyone at The Rialto Theatre and everyone who was there for making it my best Akron show yet! We’ll see ya next time, and we’ll see ya tonight Dayton!

If you haven’t ordered Dynamite Alley yet, you can on Bandamp or my web store. If streaming is your jam, check it out on all those places too, but really, nothing helps an artist like buying their stuff. Link in comments.


Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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