Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Thursday October 12, 2017 - Indianapolis, IN

Cory Call — with JD Mackinder and Matt Woods at Black Circle. The Melody Inn — with Gabriel Doman and Patrick L. O`Harris in Indianapolis, Indiana. Those Dirty Horse — at Melody Inn. — with The Abandoned and Jeremy Porter at Melody Inn.

Road Blog – Indianapolis, IN
Thursday October 12, 2017

Here we are, off on another adventure. This run will take us through the Midwest, the Dustbowl, down through Texas and back up through Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Thanks for reading!

We met at Gabe's under cloudy, rainy skies, loaded up and headed west in I94. We cut south through Ohio and then west again into Indiana. Pence country, John Mellencamp country, Bree Olson country. Spirits were high as we drove though cornfield after cornfield with Gabe at the Helm to the soundtrack of The Plurals, the The Triplets of Belleville soundtrack, Hard Girls, Beatles - Revolver, James Brown and Eddie Vedder's Into the Wild soundtrack. We checked into the Candlewood Suites Indianapolis Northwest and it is a fine hotel with all the amenities and a safe place to park the van. It's tucked back in a corporate office park with lots of food options, but we were after something a little more local for dinner so we headed over to the Bent Rail Brewery & Restaurant where we got salads, sandwiches, chili, and a couple pints to help shake off the drive a bit. Food was decent, beer was serviceable, and it was a cool place.

From there it was back across town to the Historic Melody Inn. The Mel is a place we've played several times. It's one of those Midwestern punk dives that feels like home when you walk in. Stickers everywhere, neon beer signs, music blasting. Dave, the owner, is a great guy who always has a smile and a whiskey for me. We said hi to and worked out logistics with the two local bands, and loaded in.

I had about an hour, so I got a Lyft over to the Black Circle Brewing Co. where I dropped in on my pals Matt Woods and JD Mackinder, who are also on tour, and were playing there. Mack was surprised to see me and we got caught up over a pint. They just got back from a long European run and were now out with Cory Call, who is touring solo. I hadn't met Cory before, but I've been a big fan of his band Arliss Nancy for years. I caught most of his set, which was great, and got to say hi before I had to head back to The Mel. I've met Matt many times over the years, but we've never played together. We're just bumping into each other on the road by chance here and there. It's kinda weird, but super cool. One day I'm sure we'll do a show together. I was bummed to have to leave before he played last night, but I had to get back.

Back at the Melody Inn, openers Those Dirty Horse had just taken the stage when I got there. They were tight and well rehearsed, playing blusey rock. Their singer had a sweet Firebird that sounded great. Pat was getting caught up with his pal Jamie, who's house we crashed at last time we were in town, while Gabe was watching TDH. I got a tap on the shoulder and met Amy Foxworthy face to face for the first time. She's a local writer who did a really nice piece on us and our new record last week. She's a super sweet girl and a big fan, and we had a great time talking, drinking and watching the other bands. We also met Gina, a local girl who was super fun and engaging. She almost beat Pat at pool at the end of the night.

We were up second and happy to play to a decent Thursday night crowd who were attentive and very appreciative. We played well, took a couple requests, had a blast, and got off stage for the headliners The Abandoned. They were a great 3-piece rock band, sort of edgier alternative rock, with great riffs. I wish I'd gotten some photos of them – sorry guys!

We sold some merch, had a nightcap, loaded out and headed back to the hotel where we crashed out around 2am. It was a decent Thursday night show – good crowd, fun time! I woke up with a mid-level hangover and shook it off pretty quickly. We're heading west on I70 now, with Pat at the wheel and the new The Darkness album blasting. Tonight it's Kansas City where we'll play at The Westport Saloon. We've got 7-8 hours of expressway ahead of us, but we're up for it. If you're near KC we'll see ya tonight!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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