Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Sunday October 16, 2016 - Burlington, VT

We`re gonna need a bigger boat. Of Slim Jims. — in Coventry, New York. Kirsti Blow — at Radio Bean.

Road Blog
October 16, 2016
Radio Bean – Burlington, Vermont

We left Ithaca around 11:30am and headed east towards the Adirondacks. The fall colors were spectacular – brilliant oranges, reds, yellows and purples across mountain ranges, valleys and hollers. We traveled 2-lane highways, along rivers and creeks most of the way. We also saw the 4th bald eagle of the trip. It was really a great drive. We stopped at a back-country gas station with a broken cash register and a very frustrated casher, trying to figure out why the gas pumps were shooting in random $.07 and $.12 charges and how much a banana costs and why is there a price on the Mini Slim Jims but not one on the full length Slim Jims that were on display in the jaws of a mounted rubber great white shark head? I can’t make this shit up. She was losing her mind and ready to just throw in the towel and walk out into traffic. There was a little café-diner off to the side where you could get all your election gear to make America great again and enjoy some hash and eggs under the stagnant stench of yesterday’s fried fish. Two dudes in full-on militia camo were eating lunch. We couldn’t get back on the road fast enough. Brutal.

We checked into our AirBB in South Burlington around 5:30 and our host Mr. Tang showed us around. We have the bottom floor of their beautiful house, complete with a projector TV and giant screen, 2 bedrooms, 3 beds, coffee, snacks, some exercise equipment, and a nice safe place to park the van – all for less than the price of a couple crappy hotel rooms. We were starving and a little grumpy so we headed into town and had dinner at the venue. There is a restaurant adjacent to the Radio Bean called !Duino! (Duende) – Street Food Internationale – so we took the opportunity to eat there and check out where we’d be playing. The food was really good. I got papusas – an El Salvador dish – and they were tasty. Patty got a Thai Curry that packed a punch, and Gabe got a black bean burger. Kirsti Blow – a local singer songwriter – was just taking the stage and played some great originals and covers with a beautiful voice. After her, Out of System Transfer from Brooklyn played and hung around for some of our set.

The Radio Bean is a nice room, but really small. We decided to do a stripped down setup where I’d play acoustic guitar and Gabe would play a minimal set. It’s not something that we’d rehearsed, but we know these songs and we figured it would be more appropriate. Sunday nights for an unkown touring band can be rough. It’s not all booze, broads, cash and glory, folks – sometimes it’s a drag, and it was a rough night. The boys rallied, we didn’t phone it in - we played to the few who were there to listen. We did the best we could, got a couple compliments, loaded out and headed back to the AirBB for an early bedtime and a long day ahead. I was wakened at 5:30 by a mouse in the wall a few inches from my head. Little dude didn’t mean any harm, just doing his thing, so I rolled over and got a couple more in before firing up the Keurig and getting the boys motivated.

We’re heading to Boston this morning where we have a radio interview at 5pm on WEMF Radio – so tune in online and listen - ! Then tomorrow night we’re playing PA's Lounge with some good locals. I can’t wait to see one of my best friends in the world tonight and get back to that awesome city!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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