Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Friday September 18, 2015 - Lexington, KY

Bryan Minks and the Kentucky Sons — at The Green Lantern Bar. Josh Nolan band — with Bryan Minks and Josh Nolan at The Green Lantern Bar.

Road Blog – Lexington, KY
Sept 18, 2015

The drive to Lexington from Columbus was a lot less painful than the drive from Detroit to Columbus. We made some good time and checked into our AirB&B around 5pm. We had the whole bottom floor of a McMansion in a little town south of the city for less than the price of a couple hotel rooms. It was really nice and provided a nice balance of privacy and comfort.

We headed into the city around 7pm and pulled up to The Green Lantern. It’s a really cool bar, split down the middle with the bands on one side and the bar on the other. We ran into our brothers in Those Crosstown Rivals right off and seeing them is always so great. We got caught up over a couple beers as the bands started around 8pm. Paper Bridges played first and I enjoyed them quite a bit. Pumped up Americana punk with some great guitar work. Next up was The Past – a sort of proggy rock thing. These guys were tight as hell with some amazing guitar tones.

We hit the stage next and played a set we were really happy with. Kentucky is so good to us – a bunch of familiar faces and unfamiliar faces singing along, rocking out and raising their beers. Bryan Minks came up and sang his part in Hey Kentucky, just like on our record, and before we knew it we were done. Party time! We sold a ton of merch and spent the rest of the night watching the other bands and hanging with our friends. It was fantastic to see Bryan’s new project – Bryan Minks and The Kentucky Sons. Bryan’s great songs against a quieter setting for his voice. After that were night 1 headliners Josh Nolan band. Josh is a pal from previous visits and plays a mean guitar against some great rocking tunes. Always a blast to watch. We wrapped the night up with some food truck BBQ and a nightcap across the street.

Lexington is so good to us. It was just great to see our pals – Bryan, Cory, J Tyler, Darcy, Erica, Justin, Josh, Nick, Mike, etc etc. Too many to name. Thanks you guys! Wish we could stay for tonight as well. We’re bummed to miss not only Those Crosstown Rivals, but pals from Nashville Ned Van Go and Alone at 3am from Cincinnati too.

This morning was pretty laid back with coffee and a quick run up the bike path near our AirB&B then breakfast at a diner on our way out of town. The drive to Louisville is short so we stopped off at the Buffalo Trace Distillery and received a pretty good education about this stuff we drink. It was a really cool tour and tasting and a great way to kill the afternoon in central Kentucky. We’re in Louisville now, checked into our AirB&B here and heading out soon for dinner and then the show. See ya tonight at the Mag Bar!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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