Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Saturday November 09, 2013 - Pittsburgh, PA

TourBlog - Day 2: Pittsburgh. Our last show in this city was a debacle that ended up questioning our resolve to return, but last night sure made up for it! We started the day record and guitar shopping in Cleveland, spending what little cash I'd made the night before on the first Rainbow record, a Joe Strummer bootleg LP and some 7"s. Then Gabriel had a run in with a scrappy Panera sandwich maker at a service plaza just over the PA state line. Gabe stood his ground and got his sandwich, but had to settle for pesto-mayo instead of artichoke spread. I couldn't make this shit up. Bastards. Not to be outdone, I had a little spat with the sound guy at the venue last night that I'll accept some responsibility for, but we ironed it out (if you're keeping score) and it ended up being a really fun set in front of an ample, attentive crowd courtesy of local headliners and new pals The Daily Grind. Openers The Redlines (see pic below) were cool too and the upstairs stage at The Smiling Moose is a good room. Off to DC now for a little tourist-action before our show at The Velvet Lounge tonight. See you in DC!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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